Workshops Dates
Machine sew a coiled pot- (After School Activity)
Tuesday 25th February 2020
4.00pm - 5.30pm
Venue - Hawarden Farm Shop, Chester Road Hawarden, Flintshire CH5 3FB

​These lovely pots are quite addictive to make and mesmerising to watch them grow on your machine.
In this after-school creative workshop, Molly will be teaching your child how to make an attractive, yet practical coil pot made out of cord or thin rope.
Sewing machines, other sewing equipment and all materials will be provided for this enjoyable and practical activity.
At the end of the workshop not only will you be able to take away a beautiful and useful coil pot , but you will also be able to take away fully illustrated instructions which can be used for other similar projects.
There are just 8 places available for this workshop, so booking is essential.
-Because this workshop utilises modern sewing machines with foot controls only children over the age of 8 will be able to take part.
-Carers/parents do need to be present on site during the workshop. For no extra charge you can stay in the workshop as your child develops a lifelong creative hobby.
You will be able to take away an attractive and useful coil pot to your own design from this workshop, together with fully illustrated instructions.
Cost: £18 per child
To book : Visit my Eventbrite page to reserve your place
Business Design Centre
523, Upper Street
N1 0QH
Thursday 27th February to Sunday 1st March
Over the FOUR days of the Stitch Festival being held at the Business Design Centre, London I will be delivering a range of knitting and sewing workshops.
Follow this link to go to the Stitch Festival and to book your ticket(s).
Just click on the link to see the workshops on offer at the festival
Discounted Tickets!
Instead of paying £15 for an advance adult ticket and £13.50 for concession, you will pay just £12.50 (£2.20 booking fee applies, £2.50 for postal).
Please use this unique promotional code to obtain your discount : SWT33
To book tickets simply go to the Stitch website www.thestitchfestival.co.uk or call 0844 854 1349 and quote code SWT33 when prompted.
In addition..... l have discounted tickets available for the show. If you are interested in getting hold of any, please visit my facebook page and 'Direct Message' me - or email me at mollybrownsemporium@phonecoop.coop.
March 2020
Chenille Cushion Cover
Thursday 5th March
7pm to 9pm
Venue - The Green Rooms, 43, Black Diamond Street, Newton, CHESTER CH1 3EX

During this 2 hour workshop you will be shown how to Chenille Fabric.
The materials to make a cushion cover will be provided for you to make during this practical session.
Ideas around how to use this technique in many other ways will be shown to you in the workshop.
There are many ways to use Chenille in soft furnishings, clothing and pictures. You will be provided with a worksheet with useful information to help you continue learning beyond the workshop. Suitable for beginners..
For further information and to book:
Contact the Green Rooms on 01244311668 or visit the Green Rooms Facebook page and message Hannah.
This session is now sold out ! - However if you are interested to hear if I am running another workshop like this, please join my Email List!
Tree Silhouttes - an introduction to free motion embroidery
Wednesday 11th March
1030am to 12.30pm
Venue - Jaycotts Ltd,
Unit D2, Chester Trade Park, Off Bumpers Lane, Chester, CH1 4LT
Learn how to use free motion embroidery on a sewing machine, to create these beautiful tree silhouettes.
Molly will show you the techniques used to make these simple but effective pictures and provide you with a handout on the techniques used.
You will make a picture to take away with you at the end of the workshop.
This workshop is an excellent way to try out free motion machine embroidery.
Cost: £20
To secure your place please contact:
By email : mollybrownsemporium@phonecoop.coop
Or by direct message via my Facebook page.

Morsbags Makery
Sunday 15 March
11.00am - 4.00pm
Venue - Just Footprints The Forum, Chester

Molly has teamed up with Transition Town Chester and Just Footprints to have a Morsbags Workshop.
Molly will be there with all you need to make a fabric bag. She will guide you through how to use a sewing machine to make a bag.
Bags made will be donated to the local Food Bank. If you want to keep the bag you have made then a donation to Transition Chester is all that we ask.
ALL WELCOME - those with sewing experience and those with none.....
Donate - if you have lengths of fabric, old curtains or duvet covers, please donate them to use to make more bags. Email Molly to find out where to drop them off.
This is a free drop-in event - come for as little or as much time as you wish. We would love to see you!
For more information contact:

Upcycled Denim Coasters - Clamshells by machine
Wednesday 18th March 2020
1.30pm - 3.30pm
Venue - Hawarden Farm Shop, Chester Road Hawarden, Flintshire CH5 3FB

​Make coasters made out of upcycled denim material!
In this workshop Molly will show you how to use clamshell patchwork shapes the quick and easy way, on the sewing machine.
We will explore 3 different ways to piece the shape. Using up-cycled denim, she will show you the techniques needed to make a coaster.
There will also be a detailed worksheet of useful hints and tips to remind you for when you want to make more at home.
Familiarity with using a machine is useful but not essential.
There are just 8 places available for this workshop, so booking is important to secure your place.
All materials will be provided and you will be using modern electric sewing machines.
Cost: £25.
To Book: Visit my Eventbrite page to reserve your place.
make a two tone Tote Bag - (After School Activity)
Wednesday 18th March 2020
4.00pm - 5.30pm
Venue - Hawarden Farm Shop, Chester Road Hawarden, Flintshire CH5 3FB
​In this child-friendly workshop, make an-ever-so-useful Two Tone Tote Bag, with a flat bottom to hold your belongings more effectively.
Molly will give you a step by step guide to how to make the bag and lots of ideas on how to add variations to the basic bag.
In this after-school creative workshop, Molly will be teaching your child how to make a practical shoulder bag out of textile.
Sewing machines, other sewing equipment and all materials will be provided for this enjoyable and practical activity.
At the end of the workshop not only will you be able to take away a bautiful and useful bag, but you will also be able to take away fully illustrated instructions which can be used for other similar projects.
There are just 8 places available for this workshop, so booking is essential.
-Because this workshop utilises modern sewing machines with foot controls only children over the age of 8 will be able to take part.
-Carers/parents do need to be present on site during the workshop. For no extra charge you can work alongside as your child develops a lifelong creative hobby.
Cost: £18 per child
To book : Visit my Eventbrite page to reserve your place

Coil Pots
Saturday 21st March
10.00am to Noon
Venue - Bridge Cottage , Port Sunlight
23, Park Road, Bebington, CH62 4US

These lovely pots are quite addictive to make and mesmerising to watch them grow on your machine.
In this 2 hour workshop you will make your own pot. Molly will demonstrate how to add handles and wrap the cord with fabric to add variation and colour to your pots.
The uses for the pots are too many to list here and they can be made in a variety of sizes. There will also be a detailed worksheet of useful hints and tips to remind you for when you want to make more at home.
Familiarity with using a machine is useful.
Cost: £20. All materials provided.
To book: DM my Facebook page or send an email to mollybrownsemporium@phonecoop.coop

Shisha Embroidery
Wednesday 25th March
7.00pm to 9.00pm
Venue - Molly Brown's Emporium
1, Elmwood Avenue, Hoole

Mirrors (Shisha) embroidered onto fabrics are a very popular Indian embellishment. Join Molly to learn the basics of Shisha Embroidery in this enaging workshop.
Make a pretty needle folder whilst mastering this attractive technique. Depending on how complicated you make your design, you may need to complete the work after the session.
Molly will provide detailed and illustrated handouts for this workshop for you to take away, so you can make more at home later on.
Cost of this 2 hour workshop is £20 and includes all materials required.
To book your place DM my facebook page or send an email to mollybrownsemporium@phonecoop.coop
Coil Pots
Thursday 26th March
11.00am to 1.00pm
Venue - The Green Room
43, Black Diamond Street, Newtown

These lovely pots are quite addictive to make and mesmerising to watch them grow on your machine.In this 2 hour workshop you will make your own pot. Molly will demonstrate how to add handles and wrap the cord with fabric to add variation and colour to your pots.
The uses for the pots are too many to list here and they can be made in a variety of sizes. There will also be a detailed worksheet of useful hints and tips to remind you for when you want to make more at home.
Familiarity with using a machine is useful.
For further information and to book:
Contact the Green Rooms on 01244311668 or visit the Green Rooms Facebook page and message Hannah.
April 2020
Coil Pots
Thursday 2nd April
1030am to 12.30pm
Venue - Jaycotts Ltd,
Unit D2, Chester Trade Park, Off Bumpers Lane,
Chester, CH1 4LT

These lovely pots are quite addictive to make and mesmerising to watch them grow on your machine.
In this 2 hour workshop you will make your own pot. Molly will demonstrate how to add handles and wrap the cord with fabric to add variation and colour to your pots.
The uses for the pots are too many to list here and they can be made in a variety of sizes. There will also be a detailed worksheet of useful hints and tips to remind you for when you want to make more at home.
Familiarity with using a machine is useful.
Cost: £20
To secure your place please contact:
By email : mollybrownsemporium@phonecoop.coop
Or by direct message via my Facebook page.

Fit for Fashion
Saturday 4th April and Sunday 5th April
10am to 4pm (both days)
Venue - Molly Brown's Emporium,
1, Elmwood Avenue, Hoole,

If getting a good fit puts you off making your own clothes, then this workshop is for you.
Celia Banks, of Sew Fundamental Ltd is joining Molly to lead this two day workshop.
Celia has oodles of experience teaching how to pattern fit, using the tried and tested Palmer Pletsch method.
You will be provided with a ‘shell’ pattern and first of all find out which size to use. You will be pleasantly surprised on this point. Then Celia will show you how to fit the pattern to your particular set of curves, so you end up with a couture fit and finish.
Over the two days you will make a blouse to your own fit from the basic pattern.
Included in the price is the pattern, use of sewing machines, tea and coffee and a light lunch.
You will need to bring fabric for your blouse, details available on booking.
NOTE: This workshop is limited to six places, to provide ample time for individual fitting.
Cost: £100 for the two days. Each day runs from 10am to 4pm at my home.
To book: DM me via my page or email me at mollybrownsemporium@phonecoop.coop
Free motion machine sewing embroidery
Saturday 18th April
4pm to 6pm
Venue - TheGreen Rooms, 43, Black Diamond Street, Newtown, CHESTER CH1 3EX
Come and learn how to make these very attractive leaves, using free motion embroidery and soluble fabric.
Believe it or not, these beautiful natural shapes are suitable for those who have never tried free motion embroidery.
As you fill the blocks of colour, you become used to maneuvering the fabric under the machine and will be increasingly proficient.
Molly will provide the materials needed in the workshop and a detailed leaflet to take home, with some soluble fabric so you can continue improving your skills.
Use these leaves to make broaches, decorate our clothing or give as gifts. They are just lovely.
Suitable for beginners.
For further informnation and to book contact the Green Rooms on 01244311668 or visit the Green Rooms Facebook page and message Hannah.
Join my mailing list!
If you would like to have advance notice of my workshops and the events I will be attending why not join my mailing list?
I won't bombard you with lots of messages but you will hear in good time whenever I have organised a new set of workshops so that you can book anything that interests you.