Knitting and Stitching beautiful things for all
Welcome to Molly Brown's Emporium
Here you will find information about the lovely things I make and teach. I have a passion for things being traded fairly. You will find links to the places you can buy my products.
Thank you for looking.
In January 2022 my book about knitting Entrelac was published!
A beautiful knitting technique.
To find out more visit my Entrelac Book Page
To see information about when and where
I am doing workshops please follow this link for details.
Follow Molly Brown's Emporium on Facebook and Twitter
All things renewable, recyclable, fairly traded and organic are high on my agenda. So I make an effort to source my materials accordingly.
I feel the ‘fast fashion’ system that has grown in recent years is a worrying and broken system; so I am interested in the growth of the ‘slow fashion’ movement. The clothes (and other items) I make have been made with environmental matters in mind. They are handmade at my home in Chester.
You will find information about the fabric used with the garments, but if you have an enquiry, please feel free to ask.
I have been making clothes for myself and my family for over 40 years and am now relishing sharing beautiful garments made from lovely fabrics with a wider audience.
In these pages you will find images of the things I have made and links to where you can buy them. However, if you have an enquiry about having something made bespoke, please get in touch.
Having worked for many years as an Occupational Therapist, I find there are many transferable skills to take from my previous role running activity sessions, to delivering workshops for groups of people in a variety of settings.
For sessions where I am teaching a new technique, I provide comprehensive hand outs, so participants can follow the instructions after the workshop has finished. Leaving them free during the workshop to concentrate on what they are doing and not to have to worry about taking notes.